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 Der gestreckte Mittelfinger #8 + CD Der gestreckte Mittelfinger #8 + CD
Inklusive CD: DISCO LEPERS - The Girls of Cholera
2,00 EUR
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 Mind the Gap #12 Mind the Gap #12

2,00 EUR
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1 x 'Mind the Gap #12' bestellen
 Moloko Plus #44 Moloko Plus #44

3,00 EUR
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1 x 'Moloko Plus #44' bestellen
 Plastic Bomb #76 + CD Plastic Bomb #76 + CD
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24 Titel von:
Elendstouristen, Stumbling Pins, Dreck am Stecken, SS-Kaliert, Krautbomber,Krum Bums, Goodbye Jersey, Puris Aui, Cheap Solution, Kollabiert!, Knochenfabrik, The Gumbabies, Couchdivers, Vengeance, Road Kill Zombies, Tonque of the young, The Tips,  Bad Nenndorf Boys,  Ramazuri, Unbekannt, Besetzt, Zweckentfremdung, Caminos,  Kommando Petermann

3,50 EUR
incl. 7 % MwSt zzgl.
1 x 'Plastic Bomb #76 + CD' bestellen
 Plastic Bomb #77 + CD Plastic Bomb #77 + CD
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25 Titel von:
Dreadful Children, The Baboon Show, Rejected Youth, P.O. Box, The Brains, BNI, Toolylooly and the McBobbies, Abwärts, No life lost, Absturtz, Bazooka Zirkus, Lost Boyz Army, Screaming Monkeys, BicahunaS, No White Rag, Emscherkurve77, A State of Grace, Carburetor Dung (A K A Dung), Fußpils, Fightball, Schmachwanderunk, Lavatch, AntiGen, The manic Dynamites, Aggrobarden
3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #78 + CD Plastic Bomb #78 + CD
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32 Titel von:
Bambix, Plastik Schmidt, Defused, Bonsai Kitten, Polecats, Tony Gorilla, Hysterese, Teenage love guns, Mötex, Grape, Zukunft? Negativ!, Mururoa Attäck, Napoleon Dynamite, Robinson Krause, Die WuT, Gloomster, Phlegmatix, Slobbery dognose, Sprengsatz, Kollateralschaden, No Kluc, 100000 Tonnen Kruppstahl, The Strapones, Trustgod Simon, AmDamDes, Gumbles, Kreftich, Bürger Würger, The Nelsons, Cheap Stuff, Fäkalkollektor

3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #79 + CD Plastic Bomb #79 + CD
Inklusive CD
3,50 EUR
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1 x 'Plastic Bomb #79 + CD' bestellen
 Plastic Bomb #81 + CD Plastic Bomb #81 + CD

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21 Titel von: Leidkultur, Gruppe 80, Linksvortritt, Feine Sahne Fischfilet, Weekly Carouse, Die Angst, Ichsucht, Detroit 442, NOFNOG (No fight No glory), Cracks & Scars, Patsy Stone, Sick of Society, NoM (Nuisance of Majority), Upper Crust, 107, Heisse Projektile, Die Räsoneure, Glyzerin, Raptus, Rasender Stillstand, Terrorist in mind

3,50 EUR
incl. 7 % MwSt zzgl.
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 Plastic Bomb #82 + CD Plastic Bomb #82 + CD
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30 Titel von: Alarmsignal, Casanovas schwule Seite, Psychopunch, Pascow, Gruppe 80, Dirtbox Disco, Brutal verschimmelt, Redska, Notdurft, Oxo86, Kohnnie Rook, Cheekbones, Incoming Leergut, Stahlschwester,The Madcaps, Sickfit, Tinta Leal, Gloomster, Morbus down, Ohne Zubehör, Jelly Brains, The fancy Dolls, The Riots, The Juicecrew, Zelle B, Ausschlag, Casual Bastards, Andikiss, Klabusterbären

3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #83 + CD Plastic Bomb #83 + CD

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26 Titel von: Terrorgruppe, The Sensitives, Arrested Denial, Bazooka Zirkus, Juggling Jugulars, Mörderblues, Thinner, B.S. System, Inner Conflict, Heroes´n Ghosts, The Prosecution, Boom Boom Kid, Cholera Tarantula, Black Gaffa, Die Dorks, Poparsch, Wärters schlEchte, Inside Job, Buen Viaje, The Maladroits, Iniucundi, Killbite, ContraReal, Tomcat Royale, Dr. Dexter, The Juicy Dolls

3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #84 + CD Plastic Bomb #84 + CD

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30 Titel von: What we feel feat. Stage Bottles, Distemper, Stage Bottles, Candy Cops, Tito´s Bojs, Barb Wire Doll, F*cking Angry, What Else?!, Blank when Zero, Bastards on Parade, The Screjetz, Die schwarzen Schafe, Fondükotze, Vengeance, Rampires, Bad Temper, Amazing Andy, Masons Arms, Überwachungsmodul, Manege Frei, Mofabande, Deep shining High, Teenagefrust, Fischmarkt, Lesbian Rank Ingferno, Gaffa, Atomobst, Feuerkind, Asthmateufel, Shock Generators

3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #85 + CD Plastic Bomb #85 + CD
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23 Titel von: Siberian Meat Grinder, Systemo, Mr. Burns, HDQ, Yellow Cap, Flatline Walkers, Mann kackt sich in die Hose, Tinta Leal, The innocent Prostitutes, Kloode, Weekly Carouse, Monsters of Liedermaching, Brigade S, The Bermones, Abbruch, The Past, Amegaphon, Einsturz, Inwiefern, Pommes oder Pizza, Sinister Rouge, Black hole Raven, Celebrate Hate


3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #86 + CD Plastic Bomb #86 + CD
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28 Titel von: Iknow, Sonic Abuse, Pascow, P.O. Box, Supersuckers, Beate X Ouzo, In fear of fear, Ben rackeN, All fucked up, Hamburger Abschaum, Enraged Minority, Your inner Durden, The fancy Dolls, Fleshhead Attack, Radio Schizo, Los Gringos, The Inserts, Pigs might fly, Tito´s Bojs, Mad dog Dan, Juice Crew, The suicide Kings, Marvin Chlada Band, Enduring Freedom, Klotzs, Die Pflastersteine, Und viele mehr, Lance Armlong

3,50 EUR
incl. 7 % MwSt zzgl.
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 Plastic Bomb #87 + CD Plastic Bomb #87 + CD
Inklusive CD
3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #88 + CD Plastic Bomb #88 + CD
3,50 EUR
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1 x 'Plastic Bomb #88 + CD' bestellen
 Plastic Bomb #89 + CD Plastic Bomb #89 + CD
Inklusive CD
3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #90 + CD Plastic Bomb #90 + CD

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33 Titel von: Restmensch, Manege Frei, Black Gaffa, Crack it!, Nummerfünf!, The Bloodstrings, Verlorene Jungs, La Cofianza, Krank, Das frivole Burgfräulein, Ribbit, Smalltown Conspiracy, Wombels, Artificial Eyes, Stressfaktor, Ein gutes Pferd, Gloomster, The Skunks, Brausepöter, Ein Jahr, Kaschmir Köter, Captain Capgras, Tag/ohne/Schatten, Trümmerratten, Confuzzed, The black Gay Jews, Tortuga, Halbstark, Prime Meat, Urgent Fury, T-Killas, Koukoulofori, Schmutzstaffel

3,50 EUR
incl. 7 % MwSt zzgl.
1 x 'Plastic Bomb #90 + CD' bestellen
 Plastic Bomb #91 + CD Plastic Bomb #91 + CD
Inklusive CD
21 Titel von:
Abfukk, km/h, Suicide Bombers, What we Feel / Moscow Death Brigade, Stahlschwester, Flexfit, Frank the Baptist, Plastic Propaganda, The forgotten Youth, Skeleton Dance Club, Tüchel, Brain Lickers, Normahl, Turbobier, Big Banders, Drei Meter Feldweg, No Respite, Science Fiction Army, Kellerasseln, Protection of Hate, Die Zelten
3,50 EUR
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 Plastic Bomb #92 + CD Plastic Bomb #92 + CD

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26 Titel von: F*cking Angry, No Fun, Loser Youth, The Zsa Zsa Gabor´s, Smoking Guns, Void Boyz, … and it creeps in, Foxglove, Die verwesenden Altlasten, 100 Blumen, The Nelsons, Aggressors BC, Skapanska, Matthies, White Sparrows, Burger Weekends, Dee Andern, Nive, Paranoya, Brutto Tempo, Herrengedeck Royal, Kotter, Kollektiver Brechreiz, Cash for Trash, Deäd Kätz, Abk

3,50 EUR
incl. 7 % MwSt zzgl.
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 Underdog Fanzine #37 + CD Underdog Fanzine #37 + CD
Schwerpunkt: Grauzone
Inklusive CD "100% Antifascist Oi!"
21 Titel von:
Roddy Moreno, Banda Bassotti, Area de Combate, Asto Pituak, Brigada Flores Magon, Guardia Bermellon, Jeune Seigneur, Jeunesse Apatride, Kontragolpe Oi, Last strike, Los Foiros, Los Rude Boys, Mister X, Muerti, Non Servium, Ouvrier, Prohibice, Proletarios Oi!, Puntas de Acero, The Ayilar, Urban noise

2,50 EUR
incl. 7 % MwSt zzgl.
1 x 'Underdog Fanzine #37 + CD' bestellen

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